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Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam
Last Post: american-e65-scammed
06-09-2023, 05:48 PM
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Video Just some more reality show
Posted by: Bogor - 15-11-2023, 02:08 PM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (2)



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  Message to Mike
Posted by: Bogor - 15-11-2023, 01:45 PM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (4)

Dear Mike,
I hope you get some fresh air to your brain when you release your videos (and/or so-called updates), but try to stop and listen to yourself BEFORE you release anything.

You assume 100% that everyone who reads/listens to your bullshit (sorry but I can't call it anything else, and unlike you, I will try to keep my language decent) is 70% dumber than a piece of plywood. 

When my bank contacts me for KYC and they do every second year, for example, the bank writes to me with a date and time for when they will contact me and what the person's name is. I get a call and answer all the questions. Alternatively, I have received a link where I can answer KYC questions.

The whole process shows who, what, and when. 

In the universe of Mike Poulos he write (or tells Diana a lie and throws her under the bus) that we are delayed because some lawyer wants some KYC software installed on some server. NOTHING concrete, NOTHING to relate to, NOTHING factual. 

All financial resources moved from New York to Canada? Where in Canada? Lake Horsehead?? A bank? Law firm? Just moved from the USA to Canada. Mike, in this world, there is no such thing as SECRET when it comes to economies, and certainly not IF all your scams were real, then we're talking about billions of US dollars, which a simple limousine driver cannot comprehend to handle. 

Your video where you assume I will dance around happily because I am right and you are a swindler couldn't be more wrong. I really wish I am the one who is wrong, because of the insanely many people you have swindled are suffering financially. I had to spend 10 years of my life to get back to my starting point before I met you. My mistake, I could have just background-checked you properly, but you impressed me.

I have never met such a resourceful person as you, who can think up the coolest ideas in a split second. Just take that time in Athens when you lost your phone. We couldn't make a business out of it then, but if you had patience, morals, respect, and were honest, you could be sitting with the coolest business today. The same goes for a LS in Jakarta, but you wouldn't listen, because there is only one God and that is Mike. 

But hell, I miss those sessions where your brain went crazy. 

I cry for all the people you have cheated and deceived, and both you and I know that they will never get as much as 1 UC-cent out of you. 

You are welcome to release thousands of videos every single day where you shout and scream with all sorts of flowery language, but it tells more about you than about me, and that you are here, doesn't count for much since you know that no one can come after you with the law in hand, as all your fraud cases are too old.

But if you feel like a swing in a courtroom, I will gladly pay for a stay here in Denmark, or I will come to Bogor and we can take it there, just let me know, I have plenty of money for that.

A piece of advice for you, Mike, is to come forward, come clean, tell everyone who you are, and in that way set your loved ones free, because they know that every time you open your mouth and say 100 words, 200 of them are lies and hot air, and they also pay the price for lies.

Take care of yourself, stop smoking, it's unhealthy.

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Video Dear dear Mike, do take care of your blood pressure.
Posted by: Bogor - 14-11-2023, 03:20 PM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (1)

You see, among the many differences between you and me, such as I do not lie, I do not steal, I do not swindle, I actually feel a bit like you, because I hope I am wrong and that one day you will be able to pay billions of dollars to all those whom you have swindled since 1989.

I know that in your world there is only YOU and you don't care, and words like friendship, honesty, and respect for others are terms that are 100% unknown and incomprehensible in your swindler universe.

If it helps you to try to push some of your guilt onto my shoulders, then just do that - I have broad shoulders.

And as I have promised you many times before. Let's meet in a courtroom somewhere on this earth - you decide. Then you come up with your evidence such as bank names, law firms, and other official administrative personnel.

Yes, I know it's not going to happen, and we all know that. Because it's only you and no one else behind ALL the many scams and begging letters you send out.

You should be ashamed, but you don't know shame either, all you are is a little pathetic lying thief and you will pay the price, but not to God, you do not belong there, and you end up much, much further down.
Here is a small "funny" video


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Heart E65 Update from Admin on November 13, 2023
Posted by: Bogor - 14-11-2023, 12:57 AM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (1)

I will soon send out an early Merry Christmas to all - the last one. Then it will be up to Admin if this forum needs to be open. Just to remind all - I have told you all since 2005 :-)

E-65 Registered Members: Please click on the link below: Then start reading the below update.
It is an admin approved link for any possible future updates, you will have to wait until I let you in.

UPDATE November 13th 2023
Response From Admin

The Truth as We Know It

Dear Clients of Grams and E-65 Members

It is with a heavy heart that we write this update. The events of the last few weeks have weighed very much on our hearts because we have come to know many of you personally and have helped many of you in organising your accounts and other details. It has been a pleasure to know you and now it is very painful for us to update you with this.

The last two video updates have left enormous holes in the story and my inbox this morning is a tsunami of dear people wanting to know the truth.
Mike has cut off communication with us and we have been personally battling with what we have discovered that has caused this separation.

I feel that now is the right time to tell it as Mike would seem to have washed his hands of everything, including us. We have given him every chance of a proper response but this mornings video defies belief.

It has been 3 months since Mike told us the funds were in the Lawyers Escrow account and delays because of KYC set ups. Behind the scenes we were being questioned daily about why this is taking so long to start processing.

Mike told us that the funds in the Escrow account were still in the New York account not Canada. That was a shock to us as we had been told that they were in Canada already.

The greatest fear was always going to be the transfer from the US to Canada. We searched back into updates to see if Canada was mentioned because if the transfer had not occurred then why was the focus shifted to KYC set up.

The KYC process was now dragging on past a reasonable time frame and funds are supposedly still stuck in the US.

A red flag appeared when Mike returned to Indonesia in September. He had always said, “I will not go home without my money”. For years we heard this and then he goes.
He told us the lawyers had given him some funds to return home and that the process would continue.

We had little to doubt him. We were told not to tell anyone and we didn’t, however it soon became evident as he was spotted in Indonesia and videos were taken and appeared in various places.

He was reconnecting with his family which we thought he was entitled to do and had lavish parties for his daughter’s birthday and then for his wife. Then more celebrating for his anniversary. He then did an enormous renovation on his rental home, something we thought strange but conceded that things are different in Indonesia. All of this is documented by photos he sent to us.

We could then see by his demeanour that he was just getting on with his life and it became harder and harder to pin him down to the subject of payouts.

We told Mike this is sounding like months away and you told us we would all be made whole by Summer. We advised him we need verification so we can tell the membership we have spoken with the Lawyers and find out what the facts are. If there were going to be further delays, they had to be confirmed by the lawyer himself on a zoom call.

Mike agreed and he set up a meeting on the 20th of October. We got prepared and waited for the allotted time. Once Mike was connected, he would share the link. We waited an hour and a half but the Lawyer did not come to the meeting.

Mike said he had just received a message that the lawyer was not able to make the call. We thought it a bit strange, but Mike said he had rescheduled the meeting for the following Monday morning his time. We were satisfied with that.

It came Monday morning, and I texted Mike to ask if a link had been sent for the meeting. He said to check my email. I did and there was nothing there. Mike said he had been given a link and he sent us his link.  
When opened there was the name of the lawyer clearly shown. I was happy with that as the lawyer we had been told was Mikes lawyer was clearly shown on the Zoom link..
(I have a photo of proof of this call.). We waited again for an hour and a half. Mike said he texted the lawyer to see what the delay was and got no response. Then Mike announced he was going to bed and we thought that something was really wrong. Admin G told Mike ,

“ No , you are not leaving, we need to sort this..” This was not acceptable and to stand us up twice was not on. So Admin G told Mike he was going to call the lawyer. Mike mumbled something like he would check tomorrow and then was gone.

I want to make it clear that nothing was ever done behind Mike’s back and we told him that this time we were really going to call them.

Mike went to bed and Admin G rang the lawyers phone. We only had to go to his site to get the number. There was no answer and a message was left on his private number.

Undeterred, Admin G emailed him and said that we were still waiting for the call if he wanted to join in and say hello. He explained briefly who he was and that we were waiting for him on Zoom.

The lawyer answered after a few minutes via email at 10.42am his time .

This was his exact reply…

“I have no clue what this is about and I do not know a Mike Poulos. Who gave you my contact info.

His email shocked us to our core. While we were still struggling with his answer, ten minutes later he emails again, very likely after googling Mikes name and seeing all the bad press there.

“Is this another scam XXXX
 ( Admin. Gs name redacted) are you trying to commit fraud again?”

This time I wrote to him and explained we had been Mikes Admin for 3 years and were told that you had been engaged as his lawyer for the purpose of paying out a large fund.

I also said that we had been told that you had an agreement to deny Mike should anyone ever call about him. But I asked if he could just confirm that he really was Mikes lawyer.

He responded the next day with this..

Oct 24th: “ Stop this nonsense. I have no clue who you or Mike are and these communications are being reported.”

I think that G and I just sat and stared at the wall in disbelief. We were absolutely stunned. This was incredible information. What on earth were we going to do. Saturday was a blur for me. How could we have got this so wrong.

The next day Admin G asked Mike for a video call, not unusual we did them often. We told Mike that we had been in contact with the lawyer. The question was put to Mike, “ Why did the lawyers respond that way.. what is going on”.

Mike sat quietly and said he would call them and sort it out, then he was gone.

We had to live with this news for ten days before Mike finally got back to us with the story that he was being pushed out and had been offered a bribe to step away.

He swore us to not say anything and that he would not forgive us if we did. Again, we have the evidence for this. He also very alarmingly admitted to us that he had falsified the Zoom call, something we suspected. We were devastated to hear this but he said he did it to buy more time as he said he could fix things.

We did not want to put in jeopardy anything and ruin it if this was true. But it was fast becoming clear that this was all false, all of it.

Over the years it has always been difficult to get full disclosure from Mike. We have been given tiny morsels of information and have had to make up updates with this to appease the clients. It is not how I like to work but we accepted that was just how Mike works.

To give you an idea of our own trust in Mike, long before the GFM programs were run, we extended the mortgage on our house, sold a vehicle and my horse float and a large trailer to help Mike make ends meet.

When it became clear that this was not enough to run two households the idea of a GFM from members support could get him to the line.  
The first one I ran in my own name and my bank account. I think it only raised about $6k, I cannot remember now.

Then came the second one and then Mike ran the third one with the promise of 100:1.

I was happy to help Mike and had absolutely no idea of what this would lead to. My confidence in Mike was related to you and you believed because of me. That is something I will have to live with. This is why I now have to tell the truth. We are both Christians and lying is not part of who we are. It is abhorrent to us.

We were in contact almost daily with Mike and had built up a strong bond of friendship with him. You cannot be involved with someone on a day to day basis without this happening. We shared family pics and he showed us what he was cooking and life seemed normal.

We have good reason to believe that our contacting the lawyers was the beginning of his downfall. He knew that no one would dare to do it behind his back but there came a time that it became necessary as there was never any evidence given.
With Mike admitting to falsifying the Zoom call we can only wonder what else he has faked. I know this will come as a huge shock to everyone as it has to us.

When the first video appeared recently, we were horrified. There he put to everyone what he had sworn us to secrecy over. It was incomprehensible… nothing made sense.

We have never been aware of anyone who would or even could put a program like this in such jeopardy. There had never been any talk of it at all. Mike was happy and of good cheer even when home with his family recently.

Now on the second video you can see he is a broken man, he knows the game is up and his poor excuses are incomprehensible.

For him to insinuate that the lawyers are behind this is a grave move as if the lawyer in question were to see this it would lead to prosecution for libel and slander at the very least.

For this reason we will not disclose the name of the law firm because I am sure there are those who would seek to verify this for themselves and cause a lot of damage to all.

It would seem that the law firm is an innocent party in this saga.

No professional of this calibre would be involved in take over bids and threats of bribery such a Mike has said. It defies belief. This is one of North Americas top law firms and I cannot believe they would be involved in anything like this.

If Mike can prove that this is the case then I challenge him to reply with some verifiable evidence. Without it this is, all hearsay.

We have given Mike ample time to respond to this and now in this morning’s video he seems to be walking away. Totally given up.

We are at a loss as to why this has happened but feel the cracks may have started with us contacting the lawyer. He cannot justify what they have said as we gave the lawyer opportunity as well to tell us the truth.

It was clear they knew nothing. Now we are confronted with a story of bribes and mistrust and secret deals. This has to be a ploy to shift the blame away from himself and onto others that he won’t name.

If there is any truth in this, I wanted to give him the opportunity to let us know but he remains silent.

I understand that this has also raised more questions and the most important one is where are the Grams funds that everyone invested.

There was a large amount of money there and now we do not know what happened to it. Clients paid Mike from their own funds, hundreds of thousands of dollars into the supposed trading of the program called Grams. I have no knowledge of where these funds went and there is only one person who can answer that.

Most of the above information concerns the Grams clients. But that said, Mike was going to pay out all the GFM payments from his own portion of the Grams payout. Now of course there is a huge question mark above that too.  

As for E-65, I do not know much about that. From our perspective it has been far from Mikes mind in recent times and as you know the push was on to get the first phase paid out and then the lawyers would move onto E-65, so we were told.

The partners have mounted an investigation of their own and I will update you any news from that angle should it come to hand.

We no doubt, will have to stand down as Admin but we will be here for a little while longer unless Mike deletes the support email.

If that happens and the channels also disappear, it is not by our hand. That said, he cannot delete the NDA channel as we created it, and he cannot delete it himself.

I understand there is a lot to take in here and this news will cause untold heartache for so many people. The ramifications are enormous, and we know the huge blow this will be to so many people that put their faith in Mike.

This update has been very hard to write but we have to tell the truth as we know it. I am sure Mike has another truth but he has to prove what he is saying is true. For now, I pray that you will take what we have said in good faith.

We remain,
Yours most sincerely

Admin D and Admin G   

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Video New video
Posted by: Bogor - 14-11-2023, 12:53 AM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (1)

Good morning all.
We are getting closer to the end!!

The End

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Video Mike - video
Posted by: Bogor - 10-11-2023, 10:23 PM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (8)

Well, some 'new' news from Mike just came in. The only truthful thing in this video is that Mike is NOT in Canada but in Bogor. That is, of course, unless it's just makeup he has drawn on his skinny white legs.

One thing seems quite likely, and that's the arrival of a begging letter when there's a need for more money for hospital bills.

If I know Mike well (and I do), he has taken out health care insurance and is covered that way.

And this isn't the first time Mike has made a film showing how sick he is.

Another thing that should be puzzling is why Admin D doesn't know or hasn't informed that the whiner Mike is back in Bogor? Because IF these are real mosquito bites, then Mike is not in Canada, as there isn't much mosquito activity in Canada currently due to the season.

One can believe what they want, but it won't be long before begging letters arrive.

Of course, there's also the possibility that Mike is trying to 'weave' his way out of his scam and all his lies by telling a story about how some bad guys have taken all the money, but these bad guys can't get the money until Mike is dead.

Mike, you need to start looking over your shoulder all the time, because those who want our money wish you dead, and many of those you have cheated over the last more than 20 years - well, they wish you dead too. So take care mate.


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Big Grin E65 Update of November 1, 2023
Posted by: Bogor - 01-11-2023, 05:52 PM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (2)

So Admin DumbAss has started to understand and is getting frustrated with all the delays :-D

But don't worry Admin D, there are many many many more delays to come. However, there's at least one positive thing Admin D can look forward to, and that is that there's only 1½ months left until my positive and well-intentioned Christmas greeting :-)

So dear Admin D, it's highly likely that the next "update" will be yet another begging letter.

The adopted daughter just opened street kitchen number 2 and it costs money, equipment, inventory, staff, etc. and only Mike (sugar daddy) can get the money through all his scams.


E-65 Registered Members: UPDATE: November 1st 2023

Dear Clients of Grams and Members of E-65 and Ex foundations.

I am updating you today because we need to address the delays and lack of updates and information. I understand your frustration and I have more emails than I can answer at the moment.
Mike has not responded to our many requests for information but he did tell us that he would do an update at the end of the week.
I am really hoping that he will.

Unfortunately that is all I have at the moment and to be honest, I am just as much in the dark as you all are.

Thankyou all for your continued patience as we seek to get some answers here. The partners have been notified of the situation and I will leave it to them to investigate this further.

Kind regards,
Admin D

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Big Grin Wednesday, 27 September 2023 > E-65 Registered Members:
Posted by: Bogor - 27-09-2023, 04:44 PM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (3)

Dear Mike ChatGBT Poulos, is it really so hard to understand that some people get emotional when they are fed one fat lie after another right to their face?

I understand it well, and it's incredible that you haven't been beaten up yet.

Actually, I didn't want to comment on your usual blabla, but the one about having to program KYC, ROFL.

KYC and KYB software is something you buy and install out of the box. Your "lawyers" have installed all your members, oh no, in the ChatGBT universe it's called Clients ;-), on the "lawyers'" IT systems, which you have mentioned many times before.

Here is the first one out of many hits from Google.

And it does not cost much :-) but you can probably get those who still believe in your tall tales to send a few more USD to you, you must be running low on funds by now.

Hi All,

I know everyone is very anxious and waiting and many have emotions running high.

Speaking of emotions running high, emailing me and admin on a daily basis or Telegram etc, is not helping anyone.

Yes, I did say 6 to 8 weeks.

Yes, I did say funds were and are in escrow.

Yes, again, like each time I give a date, it takes longer than thought and here we are again with emotions running high.

This KYC thing is not an easy system to set up. We are not using an off the shelf KYC system as the lawyers want in on their own servers.

Several people think they they can do it in a few days or weeks. Well, I am not a programer and I have no idea what is involved in this but one thing I can say and this from personal experience, programming never goes as planned. Developers say a week, it is two week or more. They say a month, well, it will be longer.

There are also other issues at hand that I am not able to talk about but it is not problems, just issues.

Once there is news, as always, I will let you know but please stop asking for daily updates and please give some breathing space to admin.

Thank you


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Posted by: Bogor - 08-09-2023, 03:33 PM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (2)

Once again, nonsense for gossip! A so-called politician's response, a lot of words but no concrete content. I think Admin D is Mike on ChatGPT because if you're an administrator, you know what's happening, especially what isn't happening.

A "funny" little thing is that you are no longer a member but a client now.

Legally, the difference between a client and a member depends on the context in which these terms are used.


A member is typically a person or entity that has entered into a formal agreement or contract with an organization or association to become a part of it.
Members often have certain rights and privileges within the organization, such as voting in decision-making processes, access to exclusive resources or services, and duties in accordance with the organization's rules and purposes.

Client Relationship:

A client is typically a person or entity that enters into a business or professional relationship with a service provider or advisor.
In a client relationship, the client may pay for specific services or advice and typically has the right to expect a certain level of confidentiality and professionalism from the provider.

So concretely, your rights as an E65 member are now reduced to being a client with fewer rights than a member.

Dear Clients,

The NDA  people have just been updated on their progress.  As we have mentioned many times before the E65 people will start process as soon as the NDA (Grams) group have been paid out.

This small update is mainly for the members here who donated to Mike via the GFM that helped Mike out when needed. These people will also be refunded at the same time or just after the NDA (Grams) clients are paid out.

All clients and members who have donated to GFM and are to be paid out in this batch will be notified of the sending address of the email from the law firm. If anyone gets an email before being notified on the Channels here, then you can be sure it is not from us.

This will be happening soon for the GFM people. I cannot give a firm time as we are waiting on the law firm to finish some beta testing.

Now would be a good time to check that your ID is up to date.  I do not know at this time, but will try to find out, exactly what the requirements for ID and KYC will be.  It is usually Drivers Licence and/or Passport. So if you need to update anything, now would be a good time to get these ready.

All the best,

Admin D

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  E-65 Registered Members: URGENT UPDATE AUG 23rd 2023
Posted by: Bogor - 29-08-2023, 08:48 AM - Forum: Mike Poulos E65/+20K/VSB scam - Replies (2)

As they say, it takes one to know one!

I find it amusing that a scammer like Mike Poulos comes out to warn against other scammers. If you've kept even a slight eye on this joke called E65 that started in early 1999, about 25 years ago, you'll know that there are still a few who believe that Mike Poulos will make them rich. It's these naive individuals who partly keep Mike going and also attract other scam artists.

And no, dear lovely stupid and naive Admin A, B, or whatever letter today, there is not just one individual who sends data my way; there are many. And how do I know? Elementary, dear Admin Watson. I receive daily private messages as well as a lot of emails from the followers of "E65", "Plus, I'm fucked again by Mike Poulos 20" and other scams with whatever names Mike's scams were/are.

There's only ONE way for Mike to change his reputation as a simple thief, and that is to share REAL information – bank names, law firm names, and so on. But we both know dear Admin Whatever, that he can't. 

Mike hasn't done an honest day's work since he drove a limousine in Canada, and with zero income, one can wonder how the beggar Mike Poulos can afford expensive lawyers, and legal experts, not to mention the massive setup needed to reach out to all those who have sent him a lot of money over the years – money that should be reimbursed. Everything costs money, and the few dollars Mike manages to beg for will in no way be able to cover these expenses. And that's valid information, something that can be investigated, as anyone can consult a lawyer and inquire about these costs.

You, dear Admin, whatever letter you use today, can be truly glad that there are still members who are more naive than you are!!


Dear Clients and Members,

We wish to bring to your immediate attention an important update as of August 23rd.

It has come to our notice that certain individuals have been receiving correspondence appearing to be from Mikes Law Firm.

We urge you to exercise caution and disregard any emails of this nature until both Mike and I confirm the readiness of the lawyers to proceed.

Regrettably, there appears to be an individual within our community who is actively working against the success of our program. This individual has been working covertly to hinder the significant progress that Mike has achieved in recent years.

Such actions are deeply disappointing, and we must all remain vigilant when dealing with emails that raise suspicion.

Please be aware that when the communication from the lawyers is indeed ready, it will address you by your name. However, it's important to note that the final sign-off from Mike is still pending. As a result, any emails claiming to be from the lawyers at this time are not authentic.

We implore you not to share any personal information or engage in any correspondence. Should you happen to receive such communications, we kindly request that you inform us promptly at admin@e-65.info.

Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.


Admin D

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