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Martin, from 80,000 members to 271 members today
(29-12-2021, 12:18 AM)martin_argentina Wrote: If you analize the e65 with a binary approach, scam yes or scam not (as 0 and 1 in the digital field), you are right Bogor as size is not important there. However, scamming 1 person is not the same as scamming 2,500 folks, and scamming 2,500 is quite different compared to scamming 10,000. And so on....

Jeff is the pal of many e65 members and he has not tried to convince me Mike is a saint. But he is very critical about you but I am not influenced by that

First of all, I wonder why you doubt if it's a scam or not. 

Do I really have to remind you that E65 started in March 1999? Next Jeffy is very critical about me, who the fuck cares? 

One among many differences between Jeff Gordon and I is that I am NOT convicted by a legal judge for scamming people with his former WellNow scam. Another reason is that the criminal Jeff Gordon doesn't like me, is that he knows that I know that he has received thousands of dollars for helping Mike over the years, not to mention no one ever saw evidence that his brother was sick, and his house burned, and yet so many send funds to the ohh soo innocent Jeff Gordon.

Am I critical toward Jeff, absolutely not, in fact, I give a shit. Karma will hit him and Mike Poulos so hard one day! What have Mike Poulos and Jeff Gordon among many things in common? They lie so fast that 10 out of 5 words coming out of their mouth is and at the best hot air, but mostly just lies!

Common sense, who will gain the most from lying?

Me? Let's see I have always paid my taxes, I didn't sell any insurance policies, I was a paid regular employee at Mikes scam cirkus, today and for the last 12 years, I have been working for the Danish government as an IT manager, and have some 40 people under me. I have several educations behind me all from pre-school to university.

Mike Poulos? Never had an education, in prison for check fraud in USA, was a lottery ticket salesman in Canada, and a limo driver when Mike was at his best and legal. In Jakarta, after he stole his best friend girlfriend, he started selling GSM cards. 

The idea regards E65 he partly stoled from an inmate while doing time for check fraud, and as soon Mike could afford access to the internet he started "lottery" games, like win the Golden Eagle, all you have to do is to visit and yes I know it is a hell lot easier to sit in the corner and believe in Mike and Jeff.

Jeff Gordon? Education is unknown. Work in the past unknown. Convicted for the scam in WellNow, have received thousands of dollars for doing IT-related work for Mike, like setting up the servers, building a full online casino, blackjack, etc in Flash (it was an extremely nice work Jeff did at that time), I don't know why it never took off.


One person has been in jail
One person was convicted and had to repay people
One person never had any problem with the authorities - ohh sorry a speeding ticket once many years ago.

So yes I am the one who has some to hide, I am the one who should be afraid that the past catch me and hold me responsible, I am the one that should be afraid that IRS come and go through my finances, I am the one with my name plastered all over the internet as criminal.

I hope you can see the irony in being one out of MANY WHO IS PAL with a CONVICTED scam artist - on the other hand, I am sure you can not.

Never the less I wish you all the best for 2022, and I am sorry for writing this spoiler alert - you will get the same amount of money from Mike Poulos and Jeff Gordon in 2022 as you got in 2021  Big Grin

Just got an idea, how about you make a WhatsUp, Messenger, or whatever call containing you, Jeff, and I (Mike won't show up) and have Jeff answer a few questions? Or even better meet up in USA? 

My best guess is that Jeff will chicken out.

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RE: Martin, from 80,000 members to 10K members today - by Paris - 29-12-2021, 11:58 AM

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